Otago Farmers Market Mobile Kitchen Menu - 4/10/2013

Otago Farmers Market Mobile Kitchen Menu - 4/10/2013

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Hi All, menu today is a bit like the season, a bit of this and that! However this is not a bad thing it makes us dig deep into our creative  side and you may even find you create new and memorable dinners from the thinning array of seasonal ingredients that we have at present.

For the menu today I looked around the market and thought long and hard and yep we are still surround with apples and pears, so I thought lets get cosy with oats once again for breakfast but this time freshen it up with Rosedales Apple juice and a little fresh grated apple and pear and a scattering of nuts.

Edmonds Fresh fish have some fantastic plump gurnard fillets which reminded me of my dinner I had with the family the other night and it was a hit, teamed up with some garlicky, creamy hummus thanks to Jacobs Dream and some crunchy leaves from Aquarius gardens and finally some fresh bread to finish it off from Gilberts Fine Foods.  This is a great example of looking through the market and getting inspiration.

And not to forget about the greens I noticed that Cavolo Nero (black kale) is back so I will be showing you how damn good this iron rich veg is and quickly cooking it with garlic and rosemary.


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Some of us may be new to eating oats like this, but it’s well worth the little effort as this will set you up for the day and it is scrummy!

Serves 4

150g Rolled oats

200 ml apple juice

75g Dried cherries, apricots or raisins

1 Lemon, juice

2 Apples, grated

100ml Natural yogurt

25g flaked almonds or lightly crushed hazelnuts, toasted

50g fresh or frozen fruit (apples, berries)

2–4 Tbsp honey


Place the oats in a dry fry pan and lightly toast over moderate to high heat.  Remove and place into a bowl and add half berries and dried fruit in a bowl and pour over the apple juice and the lemon juice. Leave in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight.

The next morning, peel, core and grate 1 apple and slice the other one if desired.

Into the oat mix, stir in the nuts, yogurt, almonds and grated apple. (The muesli will keep in the fridge for a few days, but don’t stir in the apple until you plan to eat it or it will discolour and can go fizzy in flavour) Transfer the muesli into bowls and top with apple slices and berries; drizzle with honey to taste.



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This dish is inspired from dinners in Morocco, you could add grated carrot, and thin chips to make this quite a meal.

Serves 4

600g (approx.) fish fillets – monkfish, gurnard or cod

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

½ tsp turmeric

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp smoked garlic pate (kutash organic) or 2 cloves garlic, crushed

Salt and pepper

3 Tbsp olive oil

1-2 lemons

1 lettuce, washed

Hummus (I am using Jacobs Dream) or make your own

Fresh coriander for serving

Flat breads, warmed


Begin my marinating the fish.  Add all the spices and garlic to a suitable size dish to hold the fish.  Add a pinch of salt and pepper and 2 Tbsp of the oil.  Add the fish and mix the marinade well into the fillets of fish, cover and chill for at least 1 hour or longer if possible.

To assemble:

Turn the grill on your oven or BBQ on to medium hot.

Wash and dry the lettuce well and put into a serving bowl. Put the hummus in another bowl and put alongside the lettuce on the table.

Place the marinated fish onto the BBQ or place under the grill and cook until the colour deepens and the flesh caramelises (about 3 minutes) carefully turn and continue to cook on this side until just cooked (about 3 minutes).  Remove and place onto a warm platter, with plenty of lemon wedges and a scattering of fresh coriander.

Place the warmed flatbreads alongside and assemble with a spread of hummus on the breads, lettuce leaf, grilled fish, coriander and squeeze of lemon, roll up like a wrap and dig in!!!


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When you have your very own chocolatier, central Otago dried fruits and local honey on your doorstep it makes you wonder what will happen when you combine them. So I did and this is one delicious, healthy slice which is perfect for the lunch box!

Serves 8-10

2 cups puffed amaranth (available from most supermarkets or health shops)

1 cup rice bubbles

¼ cup chocolate nibs available from Ocho chocolate (or finely chopped dark chocolate)

¼ cup selection dried fruit – cherries, apricots, raisins, dates or figs, finely chopped

1 cup honey

Pinch sea salt flakes

Oil for greasing tin.


Line a 20cm slice tin, lined with baking paper and lightly greased with oil.

Place honey in medium sized saucepan over moderate heat until the honey starts to deepen in colour and caramelise (4-5minutes).

Whilst the honey is bubbling away quickly measure out the other ingredients and stir to combine.

When the honey is ready add the salt and stir carefully to combine, add the chocolate, fruits and grains.  Stir to combine and pour quickly into prepared tin, smooth top and cool.

I cut this slice before I set it completely in the fridge.  It will keep for up to 4-5 days in an airtight container.



I use this method all the time with my greens but this time with the addition of sweet rosemary it livens up the greens

Serves 4

500g cavolo nero, washed, drained, ribs removed and discarded

½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

5-6  small sprigs of rosemary

2tsp dried chilli (or to taste)


Blanch the cavolo nero for 1-2 minutes in a large pot of boiling salted water, drain, refresh in iced water, drain well again and pat dry.

Place a large frying pan over medium heat, add oil, rosemary and chilli. Sauté for 1-2 minutes or until fragrant, reduce heat to low and add cavolo nero. Season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cook for 5 minutes without stirring, then cook for 20 minutes, stirring often or until cavolo nero turns a deep green colour. Remove rosemary and discard. Set aside to cool. Serve warm, scattered with sea salt, in a platter with seared beef.

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Alison would like to thank the following vendors for the outstanding products.

ROSEDALE ORCHARD – apple juice, fresh apples and pears

AQUARIUS GARDENS – fresh lettuce

BRYDONE ORGANICS – cavolo nero


OCHO CHOCOLATE – cocoa nibs


GILBERTS FINE FOOD – fresh baked goods and gluten-free bread

KUTASH ORGANICS – smoked garlic pate

BRIDGE HILL – dried central otago fruits