otago farmers market mobile kitchen menu - 12/10/2013

spring - daffadols (640x265) Another week has flown by and for some of us end to the school holidays and back to another term of busy lives and lunch boxes!!

I was looking last Saturday at options for the children to liven up their lunch boxes.  Bridge Hill (the porridge people) have some fantastic dried Central Otago fruit which are very natural in flavour.  Little bags of freshly toasted or untoasted hazelnuts are delicious, venison salami from Basecamp is a healthy alternative for snacks or even in sandwiches.  Fillings for sandwiches is always tricky one of my children has decided he doesn't like bread and butter so I am constantly trying this and that to make him full throughout the day (hummus and carrot sticks are working at the moment!)  Fruit from the vendors at the market is outstanding and you can get lunch box sized apples from the growers (Harwarden Organics) which are just the right size for children.  Anyway my only advice is to keep it changing, always load it up with fresh seasonal fruit and veg and add a little something nice like a piece of baking to keep them excited!

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Anyway onto to the menu.  Apples and pears are still available in force, you will find some varieties are holding better than others.  I am going to turn the apples into compote, add some golden syrup or honey to some cereal and make a quick, yummy pudding and lastly add some to our juicy pork fillet with thanks to Leckies Butcher.

But first of all we must start with our Toast with Greens! It is so simple and so right for this time of the year as we still only have bits of this veg and bits of that.  This simple bruschetta makes a wonderful healthy lunch option or if like me a light dinner option to fill the spot.

See you all soon at the market.


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Once again another of my simple dishes, however it may only consist of a few components but the bread must be of good quality and the greens seasonal and fresh!

Serves 4

Olive oil

½ leek, washed and finely sliced

50g each cavolo nero, kale or spinach, stalks removed

50g broccoli florets (with stalk), cut in half

5g fresh herbs, dill, parsley, sage or marjoram, roughly chopped

1 lemon, juice

Salt and pepper

Extra virgin olive oil

1 loaf sourdough or good quality bread, sliced into 2 cm thick slices

2 cloves garlic, cut in half


Begin by putting a suitable sized pot on with plenty of water and a pinch or two of salt and bring to the boil.  When boiling add the cavolo nero and or kale and cook for a couple of minutes, add the broccoli and cook for 1 minute more, drain well to cool.

Place a medium sized fry pan over moderate heat and add 2 Tbsp olive oil, add the leeks and cook gently for about 5 minutes or until the leeks soften. Add the wilted greens and toss through, add the herbs and season with salt and pepper and combine well so all the greens are coated in the herbs and leeks. Set aside.

Heat the grill or if possible a griddle pan to hot and grill the sliced bread until well toasted on each side, remove and rub the surface with the garlic clove.

Place the toast on a platter and generously scatter over the greens, squeeze over a little fresh lemon, and drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.



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1 Pork fillet, weighing about 1.2 kg or if smaller use equivalent

2 Tbsp oil

500ml dry cider

6 granny smith apples or any tart apples

3 onions, sliced

A pinch cinnamon

A pinch ginger

Pinch dried chilli flakes

100g unsalted butter

4 sprigs fresh thyme or sage


Preheat the oven 190C

Heat a heavy based casserole over medium heat, add the oil and heat.

Season the pork fillet all over and carefully place into the hot casserole dish.  Do not move it until the pork is browning nicely, then turn it over so all the pork is browned.  Add the onions and herbs and mix through the oil, add the apples and spices and pour over all the cider.  Using a spoon scrap any brown bits from the pan so you get as much flavour going as possible.  Cover the casserole and place into the pre heated oven and cook for 1 hour or until the apples and onions have softened.  Remove from the oven and remove the pork and keep warm (cover with foil).

Place the pan back on the stove top and add the butter, beat it into the apple mixture.

Slice the fillet up to desirable thickness and spoon over generous quantities of apple and cider sauce.



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Serves 4

200g caster sugar

2 tbsp freshly grated ginger

1 cinnamon stick

4 firm pears

juice of 1 lemon

250g crème fraîche

1 Tbsp clear honey


Fill a pan with 500ml of water and add the sugar, ginger and cinnamon. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat slightly and bubble for 5 mins. Remove from the heat.

Peel and core the pears, and cut in half lengthways (leave the stalks on if they are still intact). Put in a bowl and toss in the lemon juice as you go to stop them turning brown.

Transfer the pears to the pan with the sugar syrup, making sure the pan is a size where the syrup can coat the pears completely.

Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 25-30 mins, until the pears are just tender.

Leave them to cool slightly in the syrup. Stir the honey into the crème fraîche and serve with the pears.



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This is great with cold meats, but it works beautifully warmed over vanilla icecream or with hot pancakes.

Makes 1 cup (approx)

4 apples, cored and sliced

½ tsp ground cloves, allspice or cinnamon

juice of 1½-2 lemons, depending on size

3 Tbsp caster sugar

4 Tbsp clear honey


Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook for 5-6 mins until the apples are just tender.

Can be eaten like this but it will keep in the fridge for up to 5 days.



This is a great dessert and one that children can assist in making and they love to eat it, so it’s a win – win situation.

Serves 4-6

400g apples, peeled and sliced

400g pears, peeled and sliced

3 Tbsp golden caster sugar

2 Tbsp golden syrup

25g butter

50g rolled oats

40g cornflakes or nuts

200ml crème fraîche or whipped cream


Put the apples and pears, caster sugar and 3 tablespoons of water in a pan and cook over a medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes until softened.

Divide mixture between 4 glasses and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, heat the golden syrup and butter in a suitable sized pot and heat until melted (this can be done in the microwave). Add the oats and cornflakes and stir well to coat.

Top the cooled apple with the crème fraîche or cream, then divide the oat mix between the glasses and serve.

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Alison would like to thank the vendors for their fantastic products

LECKIES – pork fillet

WAIRUNA ORGANICS – seasonal greens

SUNRISE BAKERY – fresh baked goods

HARWARDEN ORGANICS – apples, pears and chili flakes

WHO ATE ALL THE PIES – amazing pies