These tasty little squash are fantastic baked on their own or with a stuffing.

1 Kalahari squash, cut in half, seeds removed
2 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons honey, pure maple syrup
Salt and coarsely-ground black pepper to taste
1 Tbsp fresh rosemary or sage leaves, roughly chopped


Cut squash in half lengthwise (from stem to end). Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and stringy stuff in the center of each squash half. Score the insides of each half several times with a sharp knife.

Add 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of honey, fresh herbs and salt and pepper to the hollow scoop of each squash half.

Place each half in an oven dish, cut side up. Add about approximately 2cm of water to the bottom of the baking pan so that the skins don't burn and the squash doesn't get dried out. Bake approximately 1 hour or until tender when flesh is poked with a fork. Remove from oven and let cool a little before serving. Spoon any buttery sauce that has not already been absorbed by the squash over the exposed areas.

It can be stuffed with rice, cous cous, or perhaps try some roughly torn watercress/ rocket leaves, shaving of parmesan cheese and a little dressing.