baked pots (640x386) My mum use to do stuffed baked potatoes and we loved them and now I do them for my children. The options are endless as you could add almost any combination that suits you!

Serves 4

4 large agria or desiree potatoes (floury)

1 Tbsp oil

2 Tbsp butter, softened

½ cup sour cream

2 Tbsp butter, softened

1 Tbsp cream or milk


Cheddar, leek and bacon

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

4 slices bacon

1 leek, sliced thinly

¼ cup spring onions, finely diced


Melted onion, wilted greens and blue cheese

1 onion, sliced thinly

Knob of butter

Pinch dried chilli flakes (optional)

1 clove garlic, sliced thinly

300g winter greens – silver beet, cavolo nero, spinach or kale

1 cup crumbled blue cheese or feta

Salt and freshly ground pepper


To bake the potato

Preheat the oven to 200C.

Wash the potato and prick all over with a fork to avoid exploding potatoes in the oven.  Rub lightly with a little oil and place directly onto the oven rack which I would place just above the middle of the oven.  Bake for about 1 hour or until cooked all the way through! This stage can be sped up in the microwave and then finished in the oven to crisp up the skin!

Whilst the potatoes are cooking, prepare your fillings. If using bacon fry gently along with the leeks until the bacon is golden and the leeks are soft.  Set aside.

To melt the onions, add 1 tsp oil to a small pan or pot and add the sliced onions, cook over moderate heat for 10 minutes so that the onions become soft and sweet.

If using greens add 1 Tbsp oil to warm fry pan with garlic and add a pinch of chilli flakes to the greens, season lightly with salt and pepper and cook until wilted and tender.

When the potatoes have cooled enough to handle, cut in half lengthways and scoop out the potato flesh.  Put into a large bowl along with the butter, sour cream, cream and seasoning.  Mash well until desired texture.

Add your fillings to the potato and mix through. Carefully spoon the potato filling back into the potatoes skins and place in a roasting dish.

Bake in oven 180C for 15 – 20 minutes or until the potatoes are heated through and the top has gone golden!