Seeds to sow

At long last winter seems to be subsiding and Spring is officially here. Spring flowers are scattered every where at the moment. They bring so much pleasure to the senses and they seem to spread happiness.
My husband is getting very obsessed by the garden and to be honest so am i. I was brought up with home grown vegetables and i so want my children to experience being able to pick and pull their own vegetables. Which will then be prepared for our meals.
My Father was born with that special "green thumb" everything he grows, seems to produce something glorious from it. Dad has always grown everything from seed whether it be flowers or vegetables. I have been down with him in his glass house. I had got a bit excited whilst sowing the seeds, a little of this and a little of that and now i have about a million tiny plants to prick out and re-plant.

As you can see i had a little assistance with the gardening. Obviously it took a little longer than predicted, it was fun though!