Its good to be back, i have had a chance to catch up on things and i finally got to see my son Ollie play rugby (it was wonderful).  However i did miss the mobile kitchen and all the fantastic produce.
I love Jerusalem artichokes they look a lot more scary than they really are - try roasting them in the oven with a little oil, seasoning and sprig of thyme or as i have done with the salad steaming them keeps them moist and mellow (almost mushroomy in flavour).  They make a fantastic soup and transform when coated with a little cream and parmesan and baked until tender and golden.....if you are not sold yet come by the kitchen and try for yourself!

Leeks are sweet and tender at the moment and they work in so well with our winter menu - they melt away and add a wonderful onion-sweetness to any soup or stew.  They are delicious folded through creamy mashed potatoes or swede and they are also delicious steamed and lightly dressed with a piquant dressing. I will also be showing how versatile Organiclands gluten free sausage meat is - little panfried patties stuffed into warm pitas or baked on top of flatbreads with spiced-kale and leeks.
And the menu would not be complete if i didn't finish off with something sweet  -pumpkin bread!
See you soon....


This is a truly French inspired salad which I have adapted from the magnificent chef Raymond Blanc. This is one of the few recipes I make every year; it is perfect!
Serves 4

4 medium leeks, outer layers removed

4 Jerusalem artichokes (320g)

Squeeze of lemon juice

60g mixed winter leaves, such as rocket, mizuna or frisee

For the dressing
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard

1 Tbsp white wine vinegar

2 Tbsp water

3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or rapeseed oil

Sea salt and black pepper

1 tsp chives, finely chopped

1 tsp flat leaf parsley leaves only


Slice the leeks into short lengths on the diagonal and wash well.  Scrub or peel the Jerusalem artichokes and submerge them in cold water with the lemon juice, then slice each one into 4 even sized pieces

Place the leeks and Jerusalem artichokes in a large steamer (a colander or sieve will do) over boiling water and cover tightly with a lid.  Steam over a high heat for 10minutes.

Check that the leeks and Jerusalem artichokes are cooked by piecing them with the tip of knife.  The blade should go through easily and if in doubt simply taste them. Remove from the heat when tender and set aside while you make the dressing

To make the dressing – in a small bowl, mix together the mustard, wine vinegar and water, gradually whisk in the oil, adding it in a steady stream to blend thickly into the dressing.  Season add the herbs, taste and adjust as necessary.

To assemble the salad – in a bowl, toss the steamed vegetables in half of the dressing.  Check the seasoning. Arrange the vegetables on a platter or individual plates, dress the salad leaves in a bowl with the dressing and toss lightly with your fingertips.  Scatter over the dressed salad leaves and serve

Makes 2 medium size loaf tins 18cm x 10cm

Pumpkin bread is a revelation to me; a little spicy, a little sweet, very moist and wickedly wonderful with butter.

3 cups plain flour

1 tsp ground cloves

2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp ground nutmeg

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

2 cups granulated sugar or raw cane sugar

115g butter, very soft

3 large eggs

1 cup of pureed pumpkin

1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)


Preheat oven to 170C and grease and line two medium loaf tins.

In a medium bowl, mix the flour, spices, salt, baking soda, and baking powder and set aside.
Place the softened butter and sugar into a large bowl and cream together until light and fluffy (2 minutes). Add the eggs and continue to mix until well combined, finally add the pumpkin and mix once again for about 1 minute.  Do not worry if the mixture starts to curdle as it will come back when the dry ingredients are added.
Sieve the dry ingredients and add along with the walnuts (if using) into the pumpkin mix and fold through until just combined.
Divide the mixture in half and fill both tins, even the surface and bake side by side in the oven for 40 minutes to 1 hour.  Test the center with a skewer and if it comes out clean then it is done.  Cool in the tin for 10 minutes then remove and cool on cooling rack.


Makes 4 or 5 breads

Ingredients for flatbreads – or simply use premade dough from Mia Pasta

3 cups plain flour

1 cup ice water

1 Tbsp good quality oil

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

pinch of baking soda

1 generous bunch kale, cavalo nero, spinach or silverbeet, wash well and stalks removed

300g Organicland sausage meat

1 leek, washed well and sliced thinly

2 cloves garlic, sliced thinly

Pinch chilli flakes

Olive oil

Grating of fresh parmesan cheese (optional)

Start by making the flat bread dough - Combine all ingredients and form into a dough. Cut into 4 or 5 equal pieces. Roll out to a thin 15 circle. Prick the surface of the dough with a fork and cook on an oiled hot griddle or preheated hot oven (200C) with a hot baking tray. Turn with a spatula. Watch these flat bread disks closely because they cook fast (3-5 minutes per side). 
Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil, add the kale and cook for about 3-5 minutes or until just tender.  Drain and cool on a tray lined with a clean cloth.

In a medium to large fry pan add a drizzle of oil and heat up to medium-hot. Dip your hands into a bowl of water and shake off excess this will help prevent the sausage meat sticking to your hands.  Mold the sausage meat into little patties and fry until lightly golden on both sides (3 minutes).  Remove and add the leeks and garlic and a pinch of chilli flakes (optional), cook until tender.  Remove and set aside.

Preheat oven 200C - Place the pre-cooked flatbreads onto a baking tray, scatter over the leeks, kale and sausage patties grate a little parmesan cheese and bake until warmed through about 6-8 minutes. Serve warm with a little more grated parmesan if desired.


ORGANICLAND – sausage meat



WAIRUNA ORGANICS – jerusalem artichokes



ROSEDALE ORCHARDS – pumpkin and fresh fruit juice