The beauty of a dish like this is that you can improvise with your catch.  I used mussels and clams which we gathered on and around the rocks. Fish just happened to be whatever we were lucky enough to catch. 

Serves 4


600g fish (bones and skin removed), cut into bite sized pieces

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 lemon, zest 

Salt and pepper

Sprig of fresh thyme or rosemary, finely chopped


1 Tbsp oil

1 onion, finely diced

1 bulb of fennel, finely diced

1 red capsicum, finely diced

2 Tbsp tomato paste

4 tomates, deseeded, diced

1 litre fish stock or water

2 bay leaves

1 orange, zest and juice

Salt and pepper

To serve; croutons and aioli 


Marinate your prepared fish with the garlic, lemon, chopped herbs and a little salt and pepper. Set aside in your fridge for at least an hour.

To make the broth.  Heat the oil in a heavy based pot, add the onion, fennel and capsicum, cook gently without colouring for 2-3 minutes.  Add the tomato paste and cook for a further 3-5 minutes or until darker in colour.  It is important to cook the paste out as this will add depth to your stew.

Add the tomato and stir to combine.

Add enough stock to just cover the ingredients as you want this dish to be thicker than a soup. You can always add more stock if needed later on. Add the bay leaves and season lightly.

Grate in the zest of the orange and juice.

Bring to the boil, then lower to a gentle simmer and cook for 20 minutes.

Taste the broth and adjust seasoning if necessary.

Add the fish and mussels. Cover and let simmer for 3 minutes. Add the clams, cover and cook for a further 2 minutes.  Remove from the heat.

Ladle into bowls, serve with good aioli and croutons.