Farmers market mobile kitchen menu 17/10/2015

Farmers market mobile kitchen menu 17/10/2015

open market

We are nearly there! New season produce is pushing through the ground, the sun is shinning more and the days are longer.  However we still need to be understanding towards our hard working producers as they are as frustrated as us, and even though we think these guys are amazing and almost magician like (and they are), they like us, cannot make the veges grow any faster.  Be patient and understanding with the odd gap at the market, for a lot of fruit and vege growers their gardens are just repairing themselves after a very cold winter.

However this time of the year is a great time to get exploring and the market is full of delicous inspiration and a great time to get talking plants with the many vendors who are a wealth of knowledge and have such an array of plants - get planting!

 This weeks menu with thanks to Harbour Fish has fresh fillets coated in a Steam Basin (blond) beer and Kiwi Wakame seaweed batter.  Ettrick gardens still has sprouting broccoli and its delicous and nutritious at the moment.  I also have found some sweet beetroot from McArthurs and i will be making a simple Greek dip with them.

Donald Butler still has plenty of frozen berries and one that seems to get side-stepped is the beautiful little red currants.  Today i will team them up with rhubarb and make a quick sauce and i will also be folding them through cream and crunchy praline to make a super fast pudding.

See you at market kitchen for a chat, food to sample and inspiration to get you going in the kitchen.

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The combination of Steam Basin’s stunning beer and the natural Kiwi Wakame seaweed flavour is a partnership made for fish.

Serves 4

100g plain flour, 4 Tbsp for dusting

100g cornflour

2 tsp baking powder

1 Tbsp seaweed seasoning

150ml steam basin blond beer

150ml sparkling water

about 1 litre sunflower oil, for frying

600g – 700g fillets white fish – gurnard, cod, brill, sole

Lemon for serving

Sea salt flakes


To make the batter: Combine the flour, cornflour, seaweed seasoning, baking powder and in a large bowl, season. Gradually pour the beer and water into the bowl, stirring with a wooden spoon until you have a smooth, lump-free batter. Set aside, until ready.

To cook the fish, heat the 1 litre oil in a deep saucepan until a drop of batter sizzles and crisps up straight away. Pat the fish dry with kitchen paper, then toss it in the reserved flour. Shake off any excess, then dip into the batter. Carefully lower each fillet into the hot oil and fry for 6-8 mins – depending on the thickness of the fish – until golden and crisp. Using a large slotted spoon, lift out the fish, drain on kitchen paper, then sprinkle with salt, and serve with lemon or vinegar.



Simply serving sprouting broccoli this way enhances all that is good about spring veges! It goes beautifully with a soft poached egg!!

Serves 4 as a side

600g sprouting broccoli (approx.)

2 lemons, juice

50g freshly grated parmesan cheese

Extra virgin olive oil

Sea salt flakes

Freshly ground black pepper


Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to the boil.

Plunge in the broccoli (stalks and all), cook until the stalks are tender (4mins). Drain well and toss with a squeeze of lemon juice, sprinkle of parmesan cheese, generous drizzle of oil and finish by seasoning it well, tossing to combine so that all the broccoli is coated in the delicious dressing and the parmesan has stuck to the broccoli!



rhubarb (2)

Redcurrants tend to be pushed to the side, they are full of wonderful nutrients and their lovely tartness add a wonderful touch to puddings and sauces.

Serves 4


200g redcurrants, green stalks removed

450ml cream

4 Tbsp caster sugar

For the praline:

50g hazelnuts, walnuts roughly chopped

100g caster sugar


Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.

To make the praline, place the sugar in a small non-stick pan and gently heat without stirring until the mixture turns a deep caramel colour (don’t let it go too dark brown, or it will taste bitter). Add the nuts, stir in very quickly, remove from the heat and immediately pour onto the greaseproof paper. Spread out as thinly as you can with a spatula. Leave to cool. Chop into pieces or shards, or alternatively blitz to a rough crumb in a food processor. Set aside.

To make the fool, place the redcurrants in a small saucepan with the caster sugar and a tablespoon of water. Heat gently until the sugar has melted and the redcurrants are starting to break down. Remove from the heat, then leave to cool.

In a large bowl, whisk the cream until it forms soft peaks.

Fold in the redcurrant mixture, reserving a spoonful of the redcurrants for garnishing. Place in the fridge for about 10 mins to firm up a little, then serve sprinkled with the reserved redcurrants and praline.



Makes 450g


500-600g beetroot (about 5 medium sized beetroot)

400g Greek yogurt

3 garlic cloves, crushed finely

6 walnut halves, crushed

2 Tbsp redwine vinegar

4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

salt to taste


Wash the beetroot, then place into a suitable sized pot. Cover generously with cold salted water. Bring to the boil and cook for at least 25-30 minutes or until very tender. Drain and cool.

When the beetroot are cold, peel them and dice them into small bite sized cubes (.5cm).

Put them in a large bowl along with the Greek yogurt, the crushed walnuts and garlic. Stir until the ingredients are combined.

Whilst gently stirring pour in the oil and the vinegar so that the oil gets incorporated into the yoghurt.

Add the salt, stir to combine and enjoy!



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makes 500 ml

1 cup redcurrants

1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

tsp plus 2 Tbsp olive oil

1 medium red onion, finely chopped

500g rhubarb, ends trimmed, cut cross ways

3 Tbsp sugar

salt and ground pepper


In a small bowl, combine redcurrants and vinegar, let stand 10 minutes to macerate.

In a small saucepan, heat 1 teaspoon oil over medium-low heat. Add onion; cook until softened, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes.

To the saucepan, add the redcurrant mixture, rhubarb, and sugar; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer until rhubarb has softened, 5 to 8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat and serve alongside fish, pork or venison.

indigo bakery


INDIGO BAKERY – Tyrolean loaf

ETTRICK GARDENS - Sprouting Broccoli


HARBOUR FISH – Fish fillets

KIWI WAKAME – Seaweed products – seaweed seasoning


BUTLERS BERRIES – Frozen redcurrants and rhubarb