This is foraging delight with a little of this and a little of that and before you realise it you have created a delightful seasonal salad.

Serves 4

300g salad leaves – rocket, mizuna, raddichio, baby kale leaves, chard etc

2 bulbs of fennel, tops removed and reserved for later

6 radishes, sliced thinly

50g toasted hazelnuts, lightly crushed

Sea salt flakes and cracked pepper


1 garlic clove, (or smoked garlic clove) sliced finely

2 shallots, diced finely

Juice of 2 lemons

Splash apple cider vinegar

1 Tbsp runny honey


Pick through the leaves removing any that are wilted, tough looking or discoloured.  Wash the lettuce gently in cold water and drain well to remove as much water as possible or the dressing won’t adhere to the leaves.

Prepare the fennel bulb by removing leaves and tough outer shell of the bulb, slice the fennel very thin and add to the salad leaves. Add a few of the fennel leaves along with the sliced radish and hazelnuts.

Make the dressing by adding all the ingredients into a small bowl and mix well to combine, add a pinch of salt and taste – adjust if necessary.

To assemble the salad sprinkle over a little sea salt and grind or two of pepper, drizzle over the dressing and toss with lightly with your fingertips so that every ingredient in the salad is coated lightly with dressing.  This is the difference from a nice salad to a fantastic salad.