Makes 12-15 ish
1 cup plain flour
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
1-2 tsp cinnamon (depending on how much you love cinnamon)
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp butter, melted
1 egg
1/3 cup milk + plus more if needed
1 – 1 ½ cups roughly chopped apples
oil for frying
icing sugar glaze for dipping or just icing or caster sugar for dusting
(About 1 cup icing sugar + 1 Tbsp milk or more)

Mix all dry ingredients together; slowly add the wet ingredients minus the apple. Carefully mix until well combined but do not over work the mixture, gently fold in apple pieces. The batter should be the consistency of a light cake mix.

Tip enough oil into a deep sided heavy based pot and heat up to a moderately hot temperature (175C) Once the oil is ready (test drop of dough floats to the top of the oil,  or a piece of white bread browns in 60 seconds) using a soup spoon, place 4-5 balls of dough into the oil. Be careful not to overcrowd and watch carefully for the underside to turn golden brown, then gently flip over and continue frying until done. I cooked mine about 35 seconds per side, but they were the size of golf balls – adjust cooking times based on size of fritters and temperature of your oil, ideally around 175C. It is always a good idea to test one to ensure it comes out like you are expecting.

Drain on kitchen paper then drizzle over the icing if using or simply dust with icing sugar and enjoy!