Now this is what i call an instant dessert! Fresh apples, cut in half, core removed, butter, lemon and honey added.  Grilled till bubbly, caramelised and scrummy - served warm with cream or icecream! Told you quick, delicious and easy!

2 servings            

2 dessert apples, Balaraic or peasgood nun such (fantastic cooking)

Juice of ½ lemon

30 g butter, melted

1 Tbsp runny honey


Preheat the grill on your oven to hot

Halve the apples and remove the stalk and core.  Squeeze over a little lemon juice and brush with melted butter.  Place on a baking tray flat side down and pop under your preheated grill (about 10cm away from the element) until the apples begin to brown, about 10 minutes.  Turn them over and brush with a little more butter and lemon juice and grill until the apples start to colour.  Pour the honey into the hollows where the cores were, and return to the grill.  When the honey bubbles, and the apples are tender to the point of a knife, they are done.

Best eaten with cream or ice cream!