I adore the old and trusted pudds especially ones like this where they are so simple to make and so wonderful to eat.
I had a little rummage around my fruit bowl which just happens to be filled with apples from the market.  What is so great is that i have such an amazing array of varieties - sweet, sour, some good eating, some good cooking, some red, some green.  Even though they maybe a mere apple to some, but to me they all have different textures, taste and  degrees of which they cook. I picked a few pacific rose, granny smith and braeburn apples for my pudding tonight.  Obviously if you aren't quite as fortunate as us market goers then use whatever you have on hand.  I just like to play around a little and it makes a subtle twist to the flavour.


6 large braeburn, pacific beauty, granny smith apples, finely sliced

200g unsalted butter
140g raisins
100g soft brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
4 eggs
200g self-raising flour


Heat oven to 180C.

Peel, core and slice the apples. Grease a large serving dish, about 2.5 litre with 25g of the butter and tip in the apple. Scatter the raisins over the top.

In a separate dish beat the remaining butter and sugar together for 10 minutes until the butter turns pale and the sugar starts to dissolve. Beat in the eggs, then carefully fold in the flour with a large spoon. Spread the batter over the apples, bake for 45 minutes until golden.

Serve with custard and or good quality vanilla icecream.