Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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I came across this fantastic technique where you soak a grain such as quinoa, groats, flaxseeds, add more goodness like greens and herbs, blend and let ferment overnight.  The soaking and fermenting parts are vital as I tried cutting the time down and found bloating was an issue.  They are so good and nourishing and to top it off they are so cheap and easy to make.  You can serve them as an accompaniment or you could serve them as I have done by putting bowls of salad, sprouts, hummus etc on the table and assembling your own.

They have become our new favourite and left overs are a great addition to our lunch boxes.

Serving 10 crepes


1 ½ cup quinoa

1 ½ cups filtered water

1 cup tightly packed greens such as spinach, silverbeet or kale

2 tsp coconut oil or olive oil

2 spring onions, roughly chopped

½ tsp salt

½ chilli

Coconut oil for cooking

Suggested toppings

Grated carrot and beets

Tofu or tempeh

Cashew or chickpea hummus

Salad leaves

Sprouts, seeds and nuts


Begin by generously covering the quinoa in cold water.  Let sit for 12 hours at room temperature.

Drain the quinoa and rinse. 

Place the quinoa, filtered water, greens, coconut oil, spring onions, salt and chilli in a blender.

Blend until smooth.

Pour the batter into a non reactive bowl and let sit at room temperature for at least 6- 12 hours. You will notice little bubbles appearing on the surface. This is perfectly fine, in fact this is part of the fermentation process. This stage will help be kind on your gut!

When ready to cook, place a medium sized fry pan over moderate heat.

Add a little coconut oil and ladle or measure about ¼ cup, gently smooth out the crepe so it is a circle 12-15cm diameter. Cook for 3 minutes or until you see the crepe change colour, flip and cook the other side for 2 minutes more. Remove and repeat until the crepes are all cooked.

You can eat these with a filling and roll up and enjoy, you can use as you would bread and scoop up dips etc.  I like to have many tasty bowls of ingredients laden over the  table and place the crepes around so you can assemble your own.