Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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I have been playing around with gluten free recipes more and more as I am finding it is fast becoming an illness we need to address.  Gluten has been messed up far too much and now we are having to evolve our dishes to suit everyone with all dietary issues.

These little pancakes are made with rice flour and have a light texture which make them perfect for wrapping up fresh crunchy veggies and finishing with silky avocado.

Serves 4-6


Coconut oil for cooking


       300g rice flour 

       4 Tbsp cornflour

       300 ml plant milk (coconut works well) but can use water

       200 - 300 ml cup water 

       2 tsp turmeric 

       1 tsp salt 

Smashed Avocado

2 avocados, stones and flesh removed

1 clove garlic, crushed

½ red onion, finely diced

1 lime, juice

1 Tbsp olive oil

Sea salt and cracked pepper

Dipping Sauce

      2 Tbsp tamari or soy sauce

      2 Tbsp rice vinegar 

      1 Tbsp maple syrup

      1 Tbsp sesame oil


To make the pancakes - whisk together all the ingredients until all the lumps have vanished.  The batter should be like a crepe mixture.  Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes.

 A good non-stick fry pan works best for this.

Heat up the fry pan and melt enough oil to lightly grease the pan.  Ladle in enough batter to just cover the base of the fry pan.  You want to make them as thin as possible so they are like a crepe.

Cook for 1 minute, flip and cook for another minute on the other side.  Remove and place onto baking paper.  Continue cooking the remaining pancakes until the batter is finished.  Set aside.

Now get together all your vegetables and place on a large platter or in bowls.

Smash the avocado in a bowl and mix through all the ingredients.  Taste as you are wanting a tangy, well seasoned plate of avocado.  

Mix together all the ingredients for the dipping sauce and put into small bowls.

To serve, place all the vegetables, smashed avocado and dipping sauce in the middle of the table.

Stack the pancakes on plates and allow everyone to fill their own. 
