Galette is just a fancy word for free-forming pies.  The secret to these impressive, yet simple pies is the pastry.  You need a good crust to uphold the delicious fruit encased inside.  You can mix up the fruit to suit you and this type of pie can easily be made throughout the year with the seasons.

Serves 8



1 cup flour, plus extra for rolling

¼ cup fine cornmeal

1 Tbsp sugar

¼ tsp fine salt

100g butter, cold and cubed

2 Tbsp sour cream

2 Tbsp ice-cold water


4 apples, peeled, cored, thinly sliced

8 plums, stoned removed, sliced

4 Tbsp sugar, plus 1 Tbsp for finishing

1 Tbsp cornflour


1 egg yolk

1 Tbsp milk


Begin by making the pastry.

Add the dry ingredients to a bowl of a food processor (or can do by hand). Blitz to combine.

Add the butter gradually, pulsing to combine until crumbly.

Mix the sour cream with the water and pour into the dry ingredients. Pulse again until the dough just comes together in a ball.

Remove onto your work bend.  Bring together into a flat ball.  Cover in plastic wrap and place into the fridge for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven 180C

To make the filling, add all the prepared fruit into a bowl, toss together with the sugar and cornflour and set aside.

Place the dough onto a lightly floured bench and roll the pastry to about 33cm round and about 3mm thick. Transfer to a baking tray.

Place the fruit into the centre of the pastry, leaving about 5 cm around the edge.

Fold up the sides of the pastry to partially cover the fruit, pleating the dough as needed.

Beat the egg with the milk and glaze the pastry. Sprinkle over the remaining sugar.

Bake for 35 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown and the fruit juices are bubbling.

Cool on tray before transfering.