Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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Cabbage is one of our cheaper veggies and one that can be transformed into so many dishes, whether you want to simply make a slaw, saute it with butter or turned into a quick pickle.  It can be eaten raw, cooked, pickled and fermented and it will take on many flavours and can accompany many a dish. I have included this very simple and quick recipe. For some this may be a new way to serve your cabbage?



Serves 6-8

1 medium green cabbage, cut into 2cm thick rounds

3-4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp fennel or caraway seeds

1 lemon, juice

Pinch chilli flakes (optional)

Sea salt flakes

Cracked pepper



Preheat the oven 200C

Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Put the oil in a bowl, crush up the fennel seeds and add to the oil, squeeze in half the lemon, pinch or two of chilli flakes and a little seasoning.  Mix to combine.

Rub the oil mixture all over the cabbage rounds and place in a single layer on the baking paper. Pour over any excess oil and give the cabbage a final sprinkle of sea salt.

Roast in the hot oven until the cabbage is tender and golden (40-45 minutes).

Serve hot with a little more lemon and any oily juices on the bottom of the pan.