If would be very rare to find my house with no roast meats leftover after Christmas, and apart from slicing off some for this and that, it doesn’t really get appreciated. I remember my mum reheating the meat with onions and gravy and we would put it between fresh bread and have the best sandwich ever. This is my take on a meat sandwich.
Serves 4-6
1 Tbsp oil
4-6 quality buns
2 onions, finely sliced
1 Tbsp oil
300g leftover roast meat, either shred or finely slice
200ml left over gravy
½ iceburg lettuce, finely shredded
½ red onion, sliced thinly
1 carrot, grated
Pinch chilli flakes
2 gherkins, sliced
1 Tbsp gherkin liquid
Yoghurt and garlic sauce
4 sprigs of fresh mint
1 lemon
¼ clove of garlic, crushed
200g natural yoghurt
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
In a fry pan add the oil and onions and cook for 10 minutes or until soft, add the shredded meat and add ¼ cup water and the gravy and simmer for 15 minutes or until the meat is very tender.
Season with salt and cracked pepper. Keep warm.
Whilst the meat is simmering make the garlic sauce.
Mix together the yoghurt with the crushed garlic, finely sliced mint leaves, squeeze of lemon and a light season with salt and pepper. Taste and adjust if necessary.
To make the salad, add the lettuce, red onion, carrot, chilli and gherkin together. Add the gherkin jar liquid and toss the salad together.
To assemble the buns. I like to toast my buns a little but that is up to you. Split them and add a generous amount of the meat and gravy. Top with salad and finish with yoghurt sauce.
Enjoy with plenty of napkins.