This was a totally new food experience for me as coconut butter was not in my repertoire of spreads.  It has fast become my new favourite food addiction.  You can use this as you would butter.  The health benefits are worth researching and the flavour adds such a tasty addition to your dish.  Do ensure the coconut is unsweetened and raw if possible it must not be ‘defatted’.


6 cups unsweetened

1 Tbsp coconut oil

coconut (shredded or flakes)


Add all the coconut and oil into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.  You will need to constantly push the coconut down as it will move up the sides.  Continue to blend until a smooth, creamy paste occurs. This can take up to 10 minutes as first it will clump then with the warmth of the processing and the oils seeping it will then transform into your butter.

Before using i would recommend slightly softening it!

Store in a glass jar with a lid.  Either in the fridge or at room temperature.