I love hotpots as they are a one-dish meal full of meat,0 vegetables and surrounded in a delicious gravy. You can use any type of meat and i always hunt out the cheaper cuts.  This one is great as lamb is perfect for it!

Serves 6


2kg  lamb shoulder chops (excess fat removed)

500g onions, sliced thinly

2 tsp fresh thyme leaves

1 bay leaf

Salt and cracked black pepper

600ml chicken or lamb stock

1.5kg potatoes (desiree or agria), peeled and sliced thinly

50g butter, melted


Preheat the oven 160C

Lightly butter a 4.5 litre casserole dish.

Put a thin layer of potatoes over the base of the casserole dish, scatter over half the onions, half the chops, sprinkle over half the thyme and season lightly. Repeat with more onions, lamb and thyme.

Pour over the stock, and finish neatly with a layer of overlapping potatoes, season lightly and brush over a little of the melted butter.  Cover tightly with lid and bake in the oven for 2 hours.

Remove the lid and brush the potatoes with remaining butter and return to the oven for 30m minutes or until the potatoes are golden and crisp.

Serve with your favourite vegetables.