You only want to do this recipe when you have young, sweet carrots.  I have used a whole bunch which roast up beautifully.  They also look amazing when served at the table!


Serves 4


1 bunch carrots, scrubbed, leaving 5cm tops on

4 spring onions, trimmed but cut to measure length of carrots

¼  tsp fennel seeds, lightly crushed

2 sprigs fresh thyme

1 Tbsp olive oil, or a little butter

Salt and cracked pepper

Baking paper


Preheat the oven to 200C

Cut a large square of baking paper to comfortably, fold in half to make a crease. Place onto a baking tray.

Place the carrots, spring onions, fennel seeds, thyme, oil and seasoning onto one side of the paper. Toss gently to coat.

Bring the half of the paper over the carrots so the edges are joined.  Start at one side and roll tightly to secure.  You need to do this the whole way around so that it is securely sealed.

Bake for 30 minutes or until the carrots are tender, serve immediately at the table in the paper bag and open carefully as it will be full of steam.