Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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With the warming weather and longer days, picnics are calling and you want easy to eat, tasty food.  Pizza type dishes like this are fantastic as you can top them with almost anything you like.


Serves 8


500g puff pastry

300g fresh mozzarella, sliced into rounds

2-3 tomatoes, sliced into rounds

6 basil leaves, torn,

Handful fresh rocket leaves

¼  cup olives, stones removed

1-2 tsp balsamic vinegar

Extra virgin olive oil


Preheat oven 180C

To make the pizza base, roll the pastry out so it is roughly 20cm by 20cm (approx) Using a sharp knife, mark out a rectangular border around the pizza base from the edge. Press very gently with the blade so that you score the surface of the puff pastry without cutting all the way through

Place the puff pastry pizza base on baking sheet. Place the tomato slices over the base, scatter over the basil leaves, then finish with the mozzarella.

Season with a little sea salt flakes and cracked pepper.

Bake for 30 minutes or until the pastry is crispy and golden.

Remove from the oven and toss the rocket with the olives and balsamic dressing.

Cut the pizza into desired pieces and toss over the dressed rocket.