This is one of those wholesome loaves of bread that is packed with goodness and flavour.  It also toasts beautifully.

Makes 1x 1200g loaf or 2 smaller


¼ cup each of oats, linseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

½ cup hot water

2 cups lukewarm water

2 Tbsp golden syrup or molasses

2 tsp instant yeast

2 Tbsp oil

4-5 cups wholemeal or spelt flour

2 tsp salt


Place the seeds and oats in a large fry pan and toast gently over a medium heat until fragrant and golden.

Add the ½ cup of hot water and allow to absorb.

Mix the warm water with the syrup and yeast and mix well to dissolve.  Sit in a warm place until the yeast is frothy (about 5-10 minutes).

In a large bowl add the flour, salt, oats and seeds and pour over the frothy yeast. Add the oil and mix well with a wooden spoon until combined.

Pour into prepared tin/s and place somewhere warm and allow the dough to rise until double in size (45 minutes – 1 hour).

Bake in preheated 190C for 10 minutes then reduce the temperature 180C and continue to bake for 1 hour or until golden and a hollow sound occurs when tapping the bottom of the bread.

Cool before eating.