Alison Lambert -taste of my life

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For some unknown reason down here in Dunedin it has been overcast, wet and not at all summery!  I realise it won't last forever, but at present my husband and i are trying ever so hard to keep the children active, and excited. We are also trying to keep ourselves active, excited and positive.  I have got back into exercise, trying to cut back on sampling all the baking i do.  However when Simon (my husband) asked for a batch of Welsh Cakes, i eagerly jumped at the chance to make these flaky, fluffy, sugar coated cakes.  My Nan in-law from Wales gave me her original recipe, which had lard instead of butter and of course cooked on a skillet.  I have improvised a little, i added butter and i unfortunately don't have a skillet, but any heavy based fry pan will work just as well.
If you haven't made these before i recommend giving them a go, they are quick, easy and absolutely delicious. 
In ode to my Welsh husband and Father in-law.

makes about 12

225g Self Raising flour

110g salted butter, diced
1 egg
1-2 Tablespoon full fat milk
generous handful sultanas
50g sugar

Gently heat up a large heavy-based fry pan.
In a large bowl, add the flour and butter.  Rub between your finger tips until your mix resembles breadcrumbs.  In a small bowl break the egg and add 1 Tablespoon milk, lightly whisk together and add to the dry ingredients.  Mix with a bread and butter knife, until combined.  If looking too dry add a little more milk, the mixture should be only slightly tacky.  Turn out onto a lightly floured bench and every so gently move the dough around, so it is smooth and round in shape.  Using a rolling pin, roll the dough out 1.5cm thick, using a round, crinkled edge cutter, cut out the circles.  Re- roll the remaining dough and cut out as many cakes as possible.
Rub a little butter over the base of the fry pan with a paper towel and place the cakes in the heated pan, leaving a little space between them.  Cook on each side for about 3 minutes or until golden brown.  Once cooked remove and place on a cooling rack, covered with a tea towel.  I sprinkle over 1/2 the sugar on the tea towel and place the hot cooked cakes directly onto the sugar, sprinkle over the remaining sugar. 
Eat warm, or cold, smothered with butter or any which way you please.  A good mood changer!!

Welsh Cakes